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  • Baden step3
  • Baden step3
  • Baden step3
  • Baden step3
  • Baden step3
  • Baden step3

Baden step3


Baden is a staircase designed for pets, while keeping both pets and humans in mind.

The combination of a white steel frame and oatmeal fabric goes perfectly in all space.

Designed especially for older pets, or those with injured knee bones, and smaller bets with having difficulties climbing up the stairs, the stairs are made at 7cm, which is lower than normal pet stairs. The steel frame on the side helps to prevent pets from jumping off the stairs.

The wood used for the stairs are made with European birch plywood that is known for high intensity, and it is a high-end material that received eco-friendly E0 grade. The fabric used for the stair footings received OEKO-TEX certification, which is a European eco-friendly mark and it is completely waterproof. The hair and fur of pets do not get stuck in the fabric, which makes it easier to cean. and since the fabric is bleeding-resistant, it would be also easy to clean up if your pet makes a potty mistake. Due to its high strength of durability, it is also resistant to scratches caused by claws or teeth of your pets.


바덴은 반려동물과 가족을 생각해 제작한 반려동물 계단입니다.
화이트 스틸 프레임과 오트밀의 조합으로 모든 공간에 잘 어울립니다.
나이가 많은 노령견, 노령묘와 슬개골이 불편한 반려동물, 또는 계단이 버거운 작은 친구들을 위해 일반적인 반려동물 계단보다 단 차이가 낮은 7cm로 제작되었습니다.

  • W : 400 L  : 475 H : 340 (mm)

  • Poweder coated Steel  & birch Plywood
    & Microfibres fabric

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